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Field Trips
CACHE ROCK AND GEM CLUBBYLAWSARTICLE INameThe name of this organization shall be the Cache Rock and Gem Club. It is referred to as the“society” or “organization” for the purposes of this document.ARTICLE IISection 1 The Purpose of this Non-Profit Organization shall be to stimulate interest inmineralogy, geology, and the lapidary arts; and in the collection of minerals,gems, fossils, and in the art of cutting, polishing, classifying, cleaning, anddisplaying these specimens, and their application to the lapidary arts. To providemeetings where members can study and discuss these topics as well as relatedinterests in the study of minerology, geology, and lapidary arts. To provide anopportunity to actively protect gemstone and mineral resources for hobby use,including the location and acquisition of mining claims and properties fornoncommercial purposes.Section 2 This society is not formed for profit and none of its assets shall be for thefinancial gain or profit of any individual who is, or may become, a memberthereof. All the assets, properties and funds of the society shall be devoted tothe furtherance of the primary objectives and purposes of the society.Section 3 This organization may pay reasonable compensation to employees andindependent contractors for services provided for the benefit of the society.ARTICLE IIIDurationThe duration of this organization shall be perpetual unless sooner dissolved according to law.ARTICLE IVMembershipMembership in the society shall be open to persons interested in the objectives of the society,subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the By-Laws or by the governingBoard of Directors.ARTICLE VBoard of Directors and Elected Officers.Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of no less than five (5) individuals. The affairs,properties and assets of the organization shall be managed by the Board of Directors.The board shall have authority and preside over the elected officers to ensure continuityof the goals and purpose of the organization.Directors shall be selected by the current Board of Directors and then approved by themembership of the club at the next monthly meeting. New Directors should be chosenfrom current club members.Section 2 The Elected Officers of this society shall be the President, Vice President, andSecretary. They will come from the membership of the club. The Elected Officersserve the needs of the club and are directed by the Board of Directors.Article VIDirectorsSection 1 This organization shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of no lessthan 5 Directors. A chief executive of the Board of Directors shall be decided byseniority of time served on the Board of Directors or by an unanimous vote ofthe Board Members. Said person shall call and direct/lead meetings. Alldirectors are equal in authority and decisions must be made by a quorum.Section 2 Directors shall be appointed by the current Board as needed. Directors shallserve for a period of 5 years unless they need to resign earlier. Directors canserve multiple terms if appointed. Director appointments shall be staggeredwith no more than two Directors changing in any given year to preserve thegoals, direction, and knowledge of the Board.Section 3 For the purpose of a quorum 80% of the directors must be present.Section 4 The directors shall have regular quarterly meetings for the purpose ofconducting and discussing business but can meet more often as necessary. Theacting elected President should be at the regular meetings but is not required tobe present for the Board to make decisions. Notes of the meeting shall be takenand made available to club members.Section 5 Committees. The Board of Directors may appoint or remove from its members acommittee or committees, temporary or permanent, and designate the duties,powers, and authorities of said committees.Section 6 A director shall be subject to removal, with cause, at a meeting called for thatpurpose. Any vacancy that occurs on the Board of Directors, whether byresignation or removal, shall be filled according to Article V section 1.Section 7 Appoints an auditing committee to audit financial records annually.Section 8 Signs legal documents and fund withdrawals in accordance with the board’sdecisions.Section 9 Presides over the preparations and planning for the annual show in conjunctionwith the Annual Show Manager and the Show Committee.Section 10 Directors’ duties shall be assigned by the Board of Directors.Section 11 Directors serve in a voluntary capacity and shall receive no compensation ormonetary awards.Section 12 Can deposit funds into the financial institution designated by the Board ofDirectors. Is on the club bank accounts.ARTICLE VIINumber of Officers and DutiesSection 1 The Officers of the society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary,and Treasurer. Two offices cannot be held by the same person.Section 2 Presidenta) The President shall preside over all club meetings excluding the Board meetings.They are responsible for carrying out decisions of the Board and ensuring otherofficers duties are being carried out.b) Brings before membership all matters that come to attention, which may have abearing upon operations or functions of the society.c) Has a debit card for club expenses and purchases.d) Acts as an intermediary between other clubs, organizations, and individuals.e) Can deposit funds into the financial institution designated by the Board ofDirectors. Is on the club bank accounts.f) Keeps the Vice President and Secretary informed of Board decisions and makesplans to accomplish decisions through regular monthly presidency meetings.g) Actively assists in the annual club show.Section 3 Vice Presidenta) Assists the President in their regular duties.b) Performs assignments as needed by the Board of Directors.c) Actively assists in the annual club show.d) Heads meetings when the President is unavailable.e) Arrange for speakers and presentations for the regular club meetings.a) Assures all safety equipment is available and in working condition for clubactivitiesSection 4 Secretarya) The secretary shall keep all minutes of the meetings of the society andPresidency Meetings using official forms.b) Will provide minutes to the Officers, and Board of Director members.c) Assists the President and Board in performing any duties assigned by them.d) Actively assists in the annual club show.e) Maintains a record of all club members.Section 5 Treasurera) This position is appointed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer must haveexperience relevant to the needs of the position.b) The treasurer shall keep all financial records of the Society.c) Can deposit funds into the financial institution designated by the Board ofDirectors, along with the President and Board of Directors.d) Signs checks for club expenses and purchases. Keeps a budget and balances thechecking account monthly.e) A Treasury report will be given at the June and November club meetings.f) Keeps record of expenditures, receipts, and balances, and presents them at theregular quarterly meeting of the Board.g) Maintains a record of all the club members paid dues.h) Makes all records available to the auditing committee and the Board.i) Actively assists in the annual club show. At the annual club show members willbe selected to assist in the collection of money. At the end of each day of theshow all money will be counted and accounted for by the Treasurer and anotherappointed member.Section 6 President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall attend all monthlymeetings. They may make arrangements for someone to take their place ifnecessary.Section 7 Any Officer derelict in their duties or whose conduct is such that it is considereddetrimental to the welfare or the reputation of the society may be removedfrom office by the Board of Directors. There must be a complete quorumpresent and a majority vote. A special election will be held to replace theremoved Officer.ARTICLE VIIIElectionsSection 1 Elections shall be held at the annual meeting every other November. ElectedOfficers will be nominated in the prior October meeting and paper ballots will begiven to club members to cast their votes at the November meeting.Section 2 The Elected Officers are voted in for a two (2) year term. Any special electedofficers shall be up for reelection at the same time. Each member over the ageof 18, in good standing, has the privilege of holding an elected position.Section 3 Officers serve in a voluntary capacity and shall receive no compensation ormonetary awards.Section 4 If an office becomes vacant during a term a special election will be held at thenext regular club meeting to replace that officer for the remainder of the term.Section 5 All elected Officers shall be installed for their term of office at the regularJanuary meeting following directly after the November elections.ARTICLE IXVotingSection 1 Each member over the age of 10, in good standing, shall be entitled to one vote.Section 2 Election of all officers shall be by secret, written ballot. If there are no nominees,then the existing Officers shall continue in their Duties unless they resign.ARTICLE XMembership and DuesSection 1 Any person who is interested in upholding the purpose of the club is eligible toapply for membership.Section 2 Honorary membership may be given to whomever the Board may decide.Section 3 Annual membership dues will be in effect for one year from January 1st untilDecember 31st of the current year. Memberships will be renewed for thefollowing year starting in November of the current year.Any member whose dues are in arrears more than two months (March 1st), shallautomatically forfeit membership, but may be reinstated upon payment ofcurrent dues.Section 4 All members are expected to join a committee and participate in the annual clubshow.Section 5 The amount of the dues is to be regulated by or altered by a majority vote of thepresent members of the society at a regular meeting, without amendment of theBy-Laws.ARTICLE XICommitteesSection 1 The Board of Directors may appoint individual members to chair committees ormanage club assets in the society organization.Section 2 Duties and functions of the various committees shall be as designated by theBoard of Directors.ARTICLE XIIMeetingsSection 1 Meetings will be held at a time and place determined by the President and Boardof Directors.Section 2 The annual club meeting is the regular club meeting in November, with electionsoccurring every other year.Section 3 Regular meetings are held monthly throughout the calendar year on the secondThursday of each month. They can be combined with a social event or upon duenotice to the membership, may be held at other times.Section 4 Junior meetings are for the children of the paid members ages starting at 6.Parents of younger children must attend the Junior meeting with their youngerchildren.ARTICLE XIIIFiscal YearThe fiscal year of the organization begins on the first day of January each year and ends on thelast day of December each year.ARTICLE XIVField TripsThe focus of field trips is to educate, build comradery, and collect minerals and rocks, whilehaving fun.Section 1 Plants and animals found during our trips must not be fed or harassed and mustbe left in the environment in which they are found.Section 2 Members are responsible for their trash removal and are encouraged to clean upany that is found in the general area as an act of good stewardship.Section 3 All holes created by members are to be filled in before leaving the field site.Section 4 Due to the limited nature of some trips, some field trips will have a capacity capand will be filled on ‘first come’ basis.Section 5 Members bear the sole burden of costs to participate in fieldtrips.Section 6 Members must check themselves and their party into the fieldtrip when joiningthe fieldtrip and check themselves and their party out when departing thefieldtrip, at all times during the trip.Section 7 Members shall recognize all State and Federal laws and abide by guidelinesestablished by private property owners and claim holders.Section 8 Road, weather, and unknowns may occur and pose inconvenience, injury, or insome circumstances, fatality. Members will be made aware of such potentialconditions in advance of participation or as they become known. The society isnot responsible for accidents that happen to participants.ARTICLE XVLiabilitySection 1 The society will carry liability insurance to cover the organization, the ElectedOfficers, and the Board of Directors.Section 2 Due to the unique activities of the organization, only paid members in goodstanding may participate in field trips and in use of the society’s equipment.Section 3 Upon membership, members recognize they are responsible for their personalsafety and those in their care.Section 4 Member will be required to sign liability waivers, acknowledging potentialhazards of participation, known and unknown, in the field or in use ofequipment.ARTICLE XVIEquipmentSection 1 Members must receive and acknowledge training before using the society’sequipment.Section 2 Use of the equipment can be refused if the member fails to treat the equipmentproperly and as instructed by the Manager of the equipment.ARTICLE XVIIAmendment to BylawsSection 1 The Bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the Board of Directors by amajority of a quorum vote at any regular or special meeting. The proposedchanges must be discussed at the prior meeting giving all board members theopportunity to review changes. Then the changes must be taken to the generalmembership of the club and voted on for final approval by a majority ofmembers present at the meeting and adoption of said changes.ARTICLE XVIIIDissolutionUpon winding up and dissolution of this corporation, after paying or adequately providing forthe debts and obligations of the corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed inaccordance with the law and discretion of the Board of Directors. The equipment can be soldto members, listed for sale, or donated with the existing funds. Then all funds shall bedistributed to a non-profit: fund, foundation, charitable organization, or corporation, similar tothis one.